Yes, this is really the 3rd raspberry post.

11 10 2008

I couldn’t resist!



2 responses

12 10 2008

Hahahaha. Whether it’s the 3rd, 4th or the 94th raspberry post, I will watch them all and laugh so hard every time.

In fact, here’s what happened when I played the video:

Mike was across the room not able to see the computer screen, but could hear it. When the video played and Mike heard the first raspberry blow he said, “What the heck? What was that?” I was laughing so hard…partly at Miles and partly at Mike’s curious response. Mike came over immediately to check out what I was watching. He started laughing. He wondered how you were able to control your laughter while you videoed him doing that. Miles is such a funny guy!

14 10 2008

My stomach hurts so much from laughing!!!

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