Miles’ first day of school and more…

10 10 2011

I have been a bad blogger. But, I just started a new job, Miles was very sick and life just gets in the way!

Here are some photos of Miles’ first day. We only got a few because he had a major meltdown soon after these were taken.- Not your typical “Mommy, don’t go! Don’t leave me with these scary strangers” meltdown, but more of a “I don’t want to stand here and wait at the wall. I want to go play, NOW” meltdown.  Nothing about our little guy has ever been typical 🙂

In his classroom-

We only got a few good shots of him that day. It was rough. When I picked him up from school that day, he was all sweaty and his voice was hoarse.  I could tell it was a rough day. I worried that it would take weeks for him to get the hang of the routine.  After just a few more days, he was waiting in line at the wall just like all the other kids!

See him there in his yellow submarine shirt? 🙂

Today was parent/teacher conferences.  Guess what? He’s doing great! He has already met almost every goal on his IEP. They are going to have to rewrite it! Very exciting!!  He is also getting close to being dismissed from physical therapy, as well. We just need to work on going up and down stairs a little more and he will be discharged!

He is really thriving and it is so exciting to see him do things that we didn’t know he could do.  I got a chance to sit in on his classroom today. He was doing a great job eating his pancakes with a fork. Then he carried his plate and put it away, washed off his place mat, put his place mat away, brushed his teeth and went to the bathroom to wash his hands! Such a big boy 🙂

I will leave you with a small excerpt from the notes from his conference. Something about this particular line made me tear up.  This one sentence just describes who he is and where he is at right now perfectly.

“Outside, before we play, we run up and down the courtyard 2 times. He does that with a smile on his face. His run may not be as fast as the rest, but it is faster than a walk.”

We are SO proud of our little guy!




2 responses

10 10 2011

Way to go Miles! So glad he’s thriving!

13 10 2011

Oh, I can’t believe how big he is getting!

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