some help…

1 12 2011

Apparently some of you (I as well) are having trouble with the link from the last post that is supposed to take you to my new blog address.

So, we will try again… CLICK HERE.

And, just in case that doesn’t work- you can always just type eatmakelive (dot) wordpress (dot) com into your browser and that should work!!

Moving Day!

19 11 2011

This blog is A MOVIN’!

my new address is :

See you over at the new place!

a Labor Day announcement.

4 09 2011

A note I received from the kids’ school- So very different from my school days. Love it!

change is comin’.

10 08 2011

What could be better than this?

I must say, I think I’m going to miss summer. We have a lot of changes coming to our household within the next month! Greta starts Kindergarten. The next week, Miles starts preschool, and I go back to work. Then, at the end of the month, Aunt Jessica is moving to NYC.  While we are extremely excited for her, we will certainly miss having her around and involved in our day to day lives. But, now we will have a great excuse to visit our favorite city!

American + Dane.

10 08 2011

Guess who has joined the blogging world???

Jill, my lovely, talented, newly expecting sister!

Check out her blog:

American + Dane

to read all about her adventures in Switzerland!

(and she is an AMAZING cook)

Happy Anniversary.

3 08 2011

Happy Anniversary, Joe!

Thanks for 9 fabulous, crazy years!

Love, Schmary

The rock song.

24 07 2011

“The Rock Song”

by Miles Lee

Row, row, row your boat gently down a stream,

Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary,

It’s a spider dream.

comedy of errors.

23 06 2011

ugh. Today was not the best day. It was actually one of those days that was so bad, it was funny!

1. Was woken up at 5:45 by Miles playing his keyboard on the trumpet setting.

2. Forgot about the construction on the way to physical therapy and had to take the really long way.

3.  Almost got into a bad car accident because a car was parked on the top of a hill (not on the shoulder, just in the regular old lane)

4. Got to Physical therapy late, where my sweet daughter spilled my coffee not one, not two, but three times!

5. Toilet trouble at Physical therapy (no, not me :))

6. Miles fell at PT and got a big ol’ goose egg on his forehead.

7. While cleaning the kitchen I got a big ol’ goose egg on my head (those things hurt!)

8. Out of groceries, so I decide a bowl of cereal and a bunch of coffee will work. ooops.

9. Go to work out and feel very dizzy. Only complete half of the work out because of more toilet problems (nope, still not me).

10. Start to make dinner and realize I have run out of time to make a decent dinner before VBS starts. The kids have toast for dinner.

11.  Take Greta to VBS and Miles FREAKS out (you know the kind of freak out that is so violent you almost drop your kid?) because he can’t stay and play at church.

12. Get home and have a chance to make that recipe I’ve been waiting forever to make. It’s bad, so bad we have to throw it all out.

I’m thankful for a husband that gladly went to the store to get some “back-up” food.

Most of all I’m thankful that…

 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
   for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
   great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23


Here’s to tomorrow!


1 06 2011

Take my poll!

1 06 2011

Take my poll! Bangs or no bangs? 

*I also welcome comments!