
11 08 2011

For years, I have kept my jewelry in this rainbow container.

Last week, I realized that this very container could be a great tool in helping Miles to learn his colors. Great!  But, now my jewelry needed a new home.  I found this idea and knew it was something I had to try. I love having all of my favorites out in plain view. It makes accessorizing so much easier and fun!

You can easily make one of these, too. It just requires a twig or branch, a couple curtain rings and 2 nails.

teach a man to fish…

23 07 2011

…and you have fed him for a lifetime– you know the saying.  BUT, what if you teach a girl to make jewelry???

My sister-in-law, Jessica, is an incredible jewelry designer. She has made tons of fabulous jewelry for me over the years. I always get great compliments when I’m wearing one of her pieces, and it is so much fun to say, “Joe’s sister made it!”.

Well, last night, she took the time to teach me how to make my own!  I must admit, I was a little intimidated, thinking that I would not be able to do it.  Here are my first jewelry designs! I had quite a bit of help 🙂 Thanks, Jess!





This is going to be a fun new hobby!


23 07 2011

Remember a couple of months ago when I painted some paintings for above our sofa? Well, I recently found a painting on Etsy that I loved. So, I just painted my own!

I like it 500000% more!

homemade oven cleaner.

7 06 2011

My dear husband successfully baked our lunch on Sunday! He also successfully made a greasy mess in the bottom of our oven.  In my experience, most oven spills can just bake off, but come dinner time last night- the kitchen was filled with smoke and a less than lovely smell. Tonight is our last session of Women’s Bible study at our house and of course I wanted to bake something special. This means, no time to run the oven on self cleaning and I’m not about to go buy some scary toxic cleaner. Here is what I did-

Sprinkle a generous covering of salt and baking soda in the bottom of the cold oven. Remove racks.

Scrub with an old scrubbing brush until everything is loosened up. Sweep the used up soda and salt out of the oven. I actually used the hose attachment from our vacuum 🙂

Then spray and wipe down the inside with your vinegar/water cleaner. Use an OLD rag.

That was all it took! No toxic chemicals going into our cupcakes for tonight!!

Without this:

There would have been no this:

the thing about ideas…

17 05 2011

The thing about ideas is, once I get one in my head- I must complete it! I have been known to decide to paint a room (or whole house) in the morning, go to the paint store immediately and paint all day and night until it is finished. I guess I’m dorky that way. Yesterday, I got an idea for new artwork. I uncovered fabric covered canvases and painted them during nap time. Here’s the finished product.

I’ve got an idea.

16 05 2011

Something’s brewing.

re-usable snack/sandwich bags.

12 11 2010

I came across some reusable sandwich bags on etsy a few years ago and thought, “now, that is a cool idea, but I don’t think I could ever afford those!”.  Every year, I try to make as many Christmas presents as I can, rather than buy them. Not sure how my family feels about this :).  This year, I found a great tutorial on how to make reusable sandwich bags. I finally have the perfect use for all of my fabric remnants! The tutorial makes these very easy to make. I plan on filling them with home baked goodies to give out to people at Christmas. The first few that I made are for our family, since I seem to have a very, very hard time sewing a straight line!!

easy wall art.

6 10 2010

Step 1: Find a book of art prints that you LOVE. (library book sales are great for this)

Step 2: Find a frame! Old or new, anything will work.

Step 3: Cut the prints to fit your frame.

Step 4: Admire your new art work!

finished product.

3 08 2010

I posted awhile back about some jewelry bouquets that I have been making with my sister in law, Jessica.  They were made as bridesmaid gifts for Joe’s (and Jessica’s) Aunts wedding. They were also used as bouquets during the rehearsal. We had so much fun working on this project together. It was great fun thrifting for brooches and earrings that could be used. My favorite thing about this project was making each bouquet a reflection of each bridesmaids personality.

Photos courtesy of Kalee Olson

latest and greatest.

27 05 2010

Here is a project I have been working on with my fabulous sister-in-law!

More to come 😉