Happy Anniversary.

3 08 2011

Happy Anniversary, Joe!

Thanks for 9 fabulous, crazy years!

Love, Schmary

a night at the movies.

31 07 2011

This weekend Greta got to go stay at Mimi and Papa’s! (THANK YOU!!) She is at that stage where she never stops talking. Never.  Kindergarten will be interesting 🙂 It was very nice to have a few days of a much quieter house. This allowed us to really be able to focus on our little man. We don’t get much time with Miles alone (or Greta for that matter) so, we made sure to spoil him a little. I made his favorite lunch. I let him have cookies instead of fruit for snack. And the big deal- Joe and I took him to a movie! The last movie we took either of the kids to was Toy Story 3, so you can see we don’t get to go to movies often. Miles was so excited! We all had a great time, even though Miles only lasted about 3/4 of the movie before he got antsy and wanted to “go up the stairs”.  Next time we will make sure to select an animated film!

As you can see, Miles was much more interested in eating his candy and watching the previews than in bothering with a photo op!

finding the blessing.

26 07 2011

Another fever spike means another seizure. I hate these days.

Every time he has one it is so disappointing. I know what’s in store. Since his seizures last so long, we have been instructed to call 911.  Every. Time.

A trip to the ER means blood draws.  Yet another hospital visit to perpetuate his doctor anxiety.

He seems to catch any bug that other kids wouldn’t even be bothered by.  He seems to get high fevers easily.  His “anti-seizure” medication doesn’t seem to be doing it’s job.  We have to wonder if letting him get sick, essentially letting him have seizures will help build his immune system. Or should we just wrap him in saran wrap and lock him in the house?

But, there is blessing in these days.  We are grateful that he only has seizures as often as he does and not more frequently.  We feel God’s favor when the really good phlebotomist just happens to be working again.  And I cherish those 30 minutes after we had been dismissed from the ER where I got to sit with my 45 lb. sleeping baby all cuddled up on my lap. This is something he would normally never do.  On the drive home, he woke up just long enough to sing a few rounds of  “Oh, my darlin’ Clementine” before dozing off again.  With that simple song, everything is OK.

The rock song.

24 07 2011

“The Rock Song”

by Miles Lee

Row, row, row your boat gently down a stream,

Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary,

It’s a spider dream.

teach a man to fish…

23 07 2011

…and you have fed him for a lifetime– you know the saying.  BUT, what if you teach a girl to make jewelry???

My sister-in-law, Jessica, is an incredible jewelry designer. She has made tons of fabulous jewelry for me over the years. I always get great compliments when I’m wearing one of her pieces, and it is so much fun to say, “Joe’s sister made it!”.

Well, last night, she took the time to teach me how to make my own!  I must admit, I was a little intimidated, thinking that I would not be able to do it.  Here are my first jewelry designs! I had quite a bit of help 🙂 Thanks, Jess!





This is going to be a fun new hobby!


23 07 2011

Remember a couple of months ago when I painted some paintings for above our sofa? Well, I recently found a painting on Etsy that I loved. So, I just painted my own!

I like it 500000% more!

first half of summer.

19 07 2011

It appears as though I am taking the summer off from blogging! Oh, not so! I just have been preoccupied. I spent about 3 weeks in horrible pain due to a tooth that desperately needed a root canal. Feels SO much better now! Then Miles got the flu. And I got the flu…then Greta, and finally Joe.

So, forgive me- here are a few snapshots of our summer so far.

Recital Day.

Ice cream after the recital.

Joe and his Dad (Dennis) rockin’ out on stage.

Greta’s new obsession with wearing Miles’ pajamas 🙂

Playin’ with sticks.

Greta attacking me with a water balloon.

Working in the garden.

Splashing with Nana!

Growing up.

comedy of errors.

23 06 2011

ugh. Today was not the best day. It was actually one of those days that was so bad, it was funny!

1. Was woken up at 5:45 by Miles playing his keyboard on the trumpet setting.

2. Forgot about the construction on the way to physical therapy and had to take the really long way.

3.  Almost got into a bad car accident because a car was parked on the top of a hill (not on the shoulder, just in the regular old lane)

4. Got to Physical therapy late, where my sweet daughter spilled my coffee not one, not two, but three times!

5. Toilet trouble at Physical therapy (no, not me :))

6. Miles fell at PT and got a big ol’ goose egg on his forehead.

7. While cleaning the kitchen I got a big ol’ goose egg on my head (those things hurt!)

8. Out of groceries, so I decide a bowl of cereal and a bunch of coffee will work. ooops.

9. Go to work out and feel very dizzy. Only complete half of the work out because of more toilet problems (nope, still not me).

10. Start to make dinner and realize I have run out of time to make a decent dinner before VBS starts. The kids have toast for dinner.

11.  Take Greta to VBS and Miles FREAKS out (you know the kind of freak out that is so violent you almost drop your kid?) because he can’t stay and play at church.

12. Get home and have a chance to make that recipe I’ve been waiting forever to make. It’s bad, so bad we have to throw it all out.

I’m thankful for a husband that gladly went to the store to get some “back-up” food.

Most of all I’m thankful that…

 Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
   for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
   great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23


Here’s to tomorrow!


16 06 2011

Sunday night after bath time, I was brushing Miles’ hair and discovered a large fluid filled spot.  Immediately, I called the Neurosurgeon’s office. The Dr. on call said it was most likely just the result of his surgery 2 years ago, but that I should call and talk to our Dr. on Monday morning.

Monday morning, I called the office and explained that it felt like he had a squishy apricot on the back of his head. They said as long as he was acting normal (which he was) that it was non-emergent. They still wanted to see him on Thursday just to rule out shunt malfunction.

Today we saw the Neurosurgeon. He ordered a CT scan and shunt series (set of x-rays of the shunt and tubing) to rule out malfunction and checked the shunt pressure. Poor Miles. I’m not sure how many CT scans he has had 8?9? As he has gotten older, these have gotten more and more difficult. He doesn’t understand why they are strapping him down and taping his head into place while Mommy is saying, “It’s OK” over and over.  Whenever we have a blood draw or CT scan done, I kindly tell the medical personnel that Miles is very strong and we will probably need at least 2 extra people. Sometimes they believe me, sometimes they don’t. In the end, Mommy is always right. Those radiologists (along with Miles and myself) really worked up a sweat getting the CT and X-ray done.  Yes, it took 4 of us to get the tests done.

We saw the Dr. immediately afterward. The CT and X-rays were clear! He explained to us that if your scalp has never been peeled back, your scalp is basically glued to your skull. Since Miles has had his scalp peeled back twice, a simple bump can cause fluid to collect between his skull and scalp.  A kiddo with a normal head would have gotten a goose egg, but Miles got a squishy apricot. So, this is something that should just go away on its own and something that could happen again.

We are so thankful for your prayers and for the fact that Miles’s shunt is still working well. We are grateful that God has protected Miles from another surgery.

Oh, how I love that bumpy, squishy head!


11 06 2011





Have I mentioned lately how adorable my niece, Tegan is?? 🙂